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PhD training

PhD training

Обучението на докторантите започва с тяхното зачисляване в ИДП и подписването на договор за обучение. Първата важна стъпка в хода на докторантурата е изготвянето съвместно от докторанта и неговия научен ръководител на индивидуален учебен план, който след обсъждане в съответната секция се приема на заседание на Научния съвет. В него се определят дисертационната тема, етапите и срокът за нейната подготовка, стъпките за обучение и развитие за всяка година от докторантурата, полагането на изпити (по специалността, по западен език и др.), участие в научни прояви и колективни научни проекти, публикации и т.н.




The training of the doctoral students begins with their enrollment in the Institute and signing of a contract. The first important step for any doctoral student is to draw up (together with his/her scientific advisor) an individual educational plan which is discussed at a meeting of the relevant Department and approved by the Scientific Council. This plan specifies the title of the dissertation, the stages and the deadline for its preparation, the steps in the process of training, the exams to be taken (exams in specific legal discipline, exam in a foreign language, etc.), participation in scientific events and collective research projects, publications, etc.
Since Jun 2008 the Institute has been implementing the project “Enhancing the Capacity of Doctoral Students and Young Researchers in Law” funded by the Operational Programme “Human Resources Development ”, co-funded by the European Union through the European Social Fund. Twenty doctoral students and 10 young researchers (no older than 35) participate in it - they have the opportunity to attend lectures, organized in four modules and delivered by prominant scholars from the Institute and different Law faculties. The project provides also for at least two meetings per month between each doctoral student and his/her scientific advisor for consultations and academic discussions. Under Project’s Activity 5 “Enhancing the academic and research mobility abroad” ten doctoral students and young researchers are to travel abroad for short term research activities.
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